Safe depo­sit box system


Secu­re and easy manage­ment of safe depo­sit box systems

goNet Locker is a modern soft­ware sys­tem for easi­ly mana­ging, con­trol­ling and moni­to­ring safe depo­sit box sys­tems. The solu­ti­on can be sca­led fle­xi­bly - as an auto­no­mous sin­gle sys­tem or a net­work­ed insti­tu­tio­nal solu­ti­on with up to 10,000 lockers per sys­tem. Spe­ci­fic inter­faces to bank and ERP sys­tems ensu­re seam­less inte­gra­ti­on into exis­ting IT infrastructures.

goNet – Locker Stan­dard soft­ware offers bank employees an easy and straight­for­ward way to mana­ge and moni­tor the lockers and the asso­cia­ted ren­tal con­tracts. The user inter­face of the goNet ser­ver is acces­sed from any modern web brow­ser over secu­red HTTPS/SSL.

Three dif­fe­rent kinds of roles can be asso­cia­ted to a locker: an owner, which also has to sign the ren­tal con­tract, mul­ti­ple access legi­ti­ma­tes and an optio­nal cont­act address for cor­re­spon­dence, such as a lawyer.

If nee­ded, the access to the lockers may be blo­cked cen­tral­ly on the locker, as well as the access legi­ti­ma­ti­on of a per­son may be can­ce­led cen­tral­ly by the manage­ment software.

Instal­la­ti­on options

The goNet locker con­trol sys­tem can be instal­led with various options:

  • Auto­no­mous branch
  • Indi­vi­du­al branch with decen­tra­li­zed hosting
  • Cen­tral insti­tu­te solution

Find out more about the instal­la­ti­on opti­ons in our blog post: