Satis­fied clients

A sel­ec­tion from our cus­to­mer list.

What cus­to­mers say about Janusys:

"Gre­at inte­gra­ti­on part­ner with sta­ble pro­duct and dyna­mic team"

"I am very gra­teful and hap­py that with Janu­sys we have such a gre­at and fle­xi­ble inte­gra­tor on our side when it comes to safe depo­sit box systems.

Becau­se in addi­ti­on to the pro­duct goNet, which runs very sta­ble, we have with Janu­sys also a team that is very clo­se to the cus­to­mer and abo­ve all very fle­xi­ble and dyna­mic on the road.

Many thanks for that!!!"

Luzerner Kantonalbank

Ste­fan Rast
Responsable ICT, Tel­Co and Front Systems

"Noti­ceable increase in effi­ci­en­cy through ERP con­nec­tion and cus­to­mer self-service"

"Thank you very much for the real­ly very effi­ci­ent, solu­ti­on-ori­en­ted and coope­ra­ti­ve col­la­bo­ra­ti­on in the past months. The result is real­ly very satisfying.

We recei­ve very posi­ti­ve feed­back from the sales depart­ment regar­ding the hand­ling of the new sys­tem as well as the inter­face to the Fin­no­va ERP data. This brings a noti­ceable increase in effi­ci­en­cy (in the cus­to­mer pro­cess). The self-ser­vice level of our cus­to­mers has increased greatly." 

SZKB - Schwyzer Kantonalbank

Danie­la Reich­lin
Head of PM Base Pro­ducts & Segemt Manage­ment, Pro­ject Manager

"Simp­le ope­ra­ti­on for cus­to­mer advi­sors thanks to IT integration"

"The IT inte­gra­ti­on of the goNet locker con­trol sys­tem into our Acti­ve­Di­rec­to­ry sim­pli­fies the work of cus­to­mer advi­sors thanks to stan­dar­di­zed log­in and pass­word data. At the same time, this also sim­pli­fies the admi­nis­tra­ti­on and con­trol of user rights by our inter­nal IT department.

Thanks to the uncom­pli­ca­ted exch­an­ge bet­ween our spe­cia­lists and the experts from Janu­sys, the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons could be easi­ly adapt­ed to our Acti­ve­Di­rec­to­ry and impor­ted. The roll-out to our bran­ches was com­ple­ted quick­ly by copy­ing the configuration." 

Armin Sig­rist
Aut­ho­ri­zed repre­sen­ta­ti­ve for tech­no­lo­gy and security

Job inquiry

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