About us


Sin­ce 2002, g&o embedded sys­tems has been deve­lo­ping elec­tro­nics, soft­ware and devices as an out­sour­cing part­ner for cus­to­mers. Ori­gi­nal­ly main­ly for the indus­tri­al and medical sec­tor, then also for the light­ing indus­try, banks and high-per­for­mance computing.

2006 - Ban­king products

Due to the demand of bank cus­to­mers, g&o cash sys­tems GmbH was foun­ded in 2006. As a result, g&o assu­mes respon­si­bi­li­ty for the enti­re life cycle of its ban­king pro­ducts: from the pro­duct idea to deve­lo­p­ment, ser­vice and main­ten­an­ce of g&o sys­tems at banks.

2021 - a new era begins

At the begin­ning of May 2021, after 15 years of "gocash",  the com­pa­ny was trans­for­med into a public limi­t­ed com­pa­ny (AG) and ren­a­med to Janu­sys AG. At the same time, the bbv Group from Lucer­ne took a sta­ke in Janu­sys. With the joint com­pa­ny and the exten­ded part­ner­ship, we are well posi­tio­ned to ide­al­ly ser­ve the gro­wing demand and new mar­ket needs.

Our mis­si­on

Today we sup­port the enti­re pro­duct life­cy­cle for our cus­to­mers, from the con­cept pha­se through deve­lo­p­ment to pro­duc­tion and ser­vice & main­ten­an­ce. We are a tech­ni­cal part­ner for bank cus­to­mers and gua­ran­tee the seam­less ope­ra­ti­on of safe depo­sit boxes and access sys­tems with Janu­sys pro­ducts and our ser­vice in the over­all responsibility.