
Clo­se and long-term coope­ra­ti­on with lea­ding busi­ness part­ners enables us to offer first-class inte­gra­ted ser­vices from a sin­gle source.

With our solu­ti­on part­ners, tech­no­lo­gi­cal part­ner­ships play a major role, becau­se this means we are alre­a­dy fami­li­ar with new deve­lo­p­ments and can ana­ly­ze and eva­lua­te them inde­pendent­ly. With our part­ner­ships, we com­ple­ment our own pro­duct port­fo­lio with pro­ducts and ser­vices in order to use them pro­fi­ta­b­ly for the customer.

g&o embedded sys­tems GmbH


g&o embe­dedd sys­tems GmbH is an engi­nee­ring com­pa­ny based in Kri­ens and deve­lo­ps tech­ni­cal sys­tems with elec­tro­nics, soft­ware and optics. Today, it sup­ports its cus­to­mers throug­hout the enti­re pro­duct life cycle, from the con­cept pha­se to deve­lo­p­ment and pro­duct launch. Due to the cross-sec­tor know-how, more than 200 pro­jects in the fields of medical tech­no­lo­gy, indus­try, light­ing and rese­arch could alre­a­dy be realized.

From a pure engi­nee­ring order of g&o embedded sys­tems the own pro­duct goNet for bank cus­to­mers and the sis­ter com­pa­ny g&o cash sys­tems GmbH deve­lo­ped. At the begin­ning of May 2021, the com­pa­ny was trans­for­med into an AG and ren­a­med Janu­sys AG.

As ano­ther own pro­duct, pre­cise and fast gas sen­sors for the OEM mar­ket with NDIR tech­no­lo­gy have been deve­lo­ped for more than 10 years. The sen­sors detect infrared acti­ve gases within 100 - 200 mil­li­se­conds with con­cen­tra­ti­ons in the ppm ran­ge with high accuracy.

bbv Soft­ware Ser­vices AG


bbv Soft­ware Ser­vices AG is a Swiss soft­ware and con­sul­ting com­pa­ny with around 300 experts who all pur­sue one goal: Rea­li­zing the visi­ons of our cus­to­mers together.

At the same time as the com­pa­ny was ren­a­med Janu­sys AG, the bbv Group from Lucer­ne acqui­red a sta­ke in Janu­sys AG.